Saaro Arts held our third and final consultative forum on preventing the rise of youth gangs at Maida Hall.

Saaro Arts Yesterday held our third and final consultative forum on preventing the rise of youth gangs at Maida Hall. Attendance were the grassroots communities from Bondheere District which is another hub for youth gang violence. Federal Members of the Parliament, Parents, Teachers, Religious Leaders, Somali Academics, Professors with vast knowledge of criminology and gang…

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Saaro Arts, organized a Community Consultative Forum focused on the crucial issue of preventing the rise of youth gangs within our society

Saaro Arts, organized a Community Consultative Forum focused on the crucial issue of preventing the rise of youth gangs within our society. This forum aimed to provide valuable guidance and insights to address this pressing concern. The event brought together various stakeholders, including community leaders, educators, law enforcement officials, youth activists, parents, and concerned citizens.…

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SAARO ARTS held a Community Community Consultative Public Forum on …

The Forum which was attended by the Governmental officials including The deputy security Commissioner of Karaan District, The chairman of the Banadir Youth Association ,the Director SAARO Arts, Experienced Scholar on Criminology ,Deputy Chairman of Security and Politics of Banadir and the Secretary General of Banadir Region, Karaan Women Association ,Religious groups, youth groups, Parents…

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